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The Painting Lift-Off

What if Painting wasn't just a visual image of life on Earth but a stored DNA evolution of life contained in its constituent layers, or a trigger to bio-chemically react (at any given moment or design) by the very Paint on scrolls of canvas to be safely transported across time and space, an aesthetic magnet or/and a 'gravitational element' sensitive to gravitational change to self-monitor? Perhaps a programme mechanised or bio-chemically evolve over distances, an organic delivery system which could hitherto be preserved today in a hologram technology etc to reset and resurrect 'life' on release? Could we send messages and instructions to it by accessing its organic material? Wouldn't this expand our knowledge of deep space technology by working a visual image as a Universal technology, a visual Berlitz guide to us and for 'anyone or thing out there"? Paint becomes space tech with an override switch to stop or start or pause?? How many layers do you need to paint?

Well, Painting is post-technology and pre-technology, Alpha to omega of our human species story? Cave handprints (50 to 70 thousand years old) and yet capable of providing visual images of humanity and our Earth home that maybe innocuous enough to any alien who may come into contact with such imagery and therefore not see it as a threat, but also deliver a kick-start to the expansion of terrestrial life beyond our human wiring of our brain hitherto? 'Upgrading to cyborg and full transference to become mobile Al could be inevitable but also potentially short term? If we weaponised Paint tech to defend itself from any threat or enabled it to intelligently assess any threat that has passed to counter-command itself too, could be the very blue -print of organic space travel!

It is therefore our human organic story from alpha to omega beyond our ability to comprehend as a biodegradable organic matter that this 'Paint freight' could develop? Or maybe we will become Al 'robots' to endure multiple (human) lifespans to facilitate space travel in order to reboot back to our organic human mortal selves, once we have discovered a suitable planet that can either partially or totally support our human needs!? Let’s just take that in for a second, we can plan Al obsolescence, a 'metal mortality? '!!?? Well, that's a switch I and...'organic non-decomposition? Choose between tech for fast and immediate evolution or at a slower pace? Who are we? God? Or just a less violent and less extremist of reliving a life cycle like Nietzsche’s eternal return?

Thinking about paint and its best or worst optics and flights of fancy, can be ground-breaking and planet hopping may well have accidentally led us to this specific reassurance that we will not lose human organic control by a master race of Al etc!! So today we are already' in transit' to develop new means of organic storage and technology to reclaim our journey into deep space. Indeed, why not place new Earth matter even on arid or violent planets that may in time take to supporting human life in the distant but accessible future? Plan now, support life in the most difficult environments in multiple planets later!

Why not monitor by non-organic scientific advances to ultimately devolve by design, explore the knowledge of accelerating human and organic life to build our ideal non carbon footprint by the fingerprint of life, on or in Paint to rematerialize life -generating DNA. Moreover, we could source any material of 'tech paint' that's compatible with 'bespoke non-earth material' developed from originally terrestrial Labs and rendered specifically for 'beyond our solar system' for different atmosphere's, gravity, solar life, chemical compounds and specific temperatures etc. Why not? Let’s not wait to discover another Earth when we can make them to our own specifications or generate life enhancing qualities? How to restart humanity!! A total upgrade? Why not? Wouldn't Di Vinci be so proud of us and our codes within our scrolls of humanity just in his experiments of hidden codes in his Paintings? Old tech and new tech from our Renaissance period? Well welcome to such a rebirth era today? Di Vinci really did prophesise by new tech and 'human resourcefulness technology ', to espouse the Renaissance mindset to lead us into the future! That's the Renaissance talking! But maybe we have always had the constituent parts to explore, find new technologies yet that makes us capable and compatible with the very space exploration that will always drive new tech by war or by exploration beyond our back yards!!

Perhaps re-materialising may have been a 20th century obsession (teleport stuff) may actually be too expensive, but sending scrolls in a capsule all over the Universe may not. Surely the human interface and scientific correspondence will be preserved and from multiple planets of human inhabitants by tech acknowledgment beyond waiting for it to evolve? Perhaps we can fasten that process up, by a new industrialisation of our global economies to step it up? Money, influence and human investment? Now? Our new 'scrolls development'? Haven't we used scrolls in human advances before? Look at 19th century archaeological findings and welcome to us learning about what others were able to grasp before us, hinting or pointing us into the future, and often beyond our knowledge today?! The human scroll may have always been how humans advanced our species is the past telling us something once again?

Imagine bio-chemical and geological dynamism to be captured in visual paint or something similar like pictorial print that may start a communication between species that may 'paint' their versions of their story and their beginnings in the very pictorial terms that our ancestors may have used? Visual paint and its image making could be the vehicle of how we communicate to other species!? We may migrate and mutate in our own evolution as to how we may perceive self-image etc, and that may very well mean from humans on a variety of future inhabitants who may not have our homo-sapien appearance? New image making from' humans' from very different planets?

But what if we sent true Paintings of great value and prestige to be concealed by layers of paint or other paintings to be restored by us thousands of years later? Space tech may be accelerating weaponry during global conflict in human history, but it can also accelerate tech to preserve and liberate from our human fate and destiny or our very narcissistic dependency on our human Destructive violent selves' that may mean space to preserve or restore unique cultural artefacts and their environments and contexts...or just to escape us? Or to escape our temporary (or permanent) Al selves? Imagine a 1984 scenario where the state reduced words in a dictionary to deprive any alternative or interpretive contributions, and then think of the reduction in our visual dictionary? Perhaps visual Paint isn't just an ancient and a potentially futuristic characteristic but also a warning to not let Painting and the whole ancient diaspora of the Painting medium be marginalised by some clique from the Art Top Table in the 20th century, to culturally break with the Cold War status quo in favour of the West. Surely, we are passed time sensitive short termism by a dubious cultural method of wrong footing a Soviet opponent, and shouldn't we be more enterprising than old hat Art weaponry of 1989? In terms of 35 years, that is the difference between the first use of the Spitfire and Concorde!!!???? A lot transpires over 35 years, No? Wake up TATT! They are guilty of being confined to an over regulated brutalist micromanagement derived from the privations and conflicted ideological convictions of the Cold War extended 'unnaturally' to today- why is that important? Because now too swayed by Marxist Capitalism that is entering the marketplace to impose a western stylised pastiche of fashionable and lucrative Conceptual Art market as a way to acquire leverage over the naive and amenable Western investors too quick to do business and too ready to ignore the warning signals of that western virtue signalling would normally arouse. The clue surely was and is in the absence of contemporary Painting that didn't pander to the past or follow the trends and chase the money! But there is another dimension here, as Painting may have emerged as a barometer of levels of democracy and a trigger to alert not just the Art world, but the wider international community about something is not all it seems, and is in disguise wearing a mask or becoming a gargoyle?

You may want to dilute or thicken some paint to your own Paintings, but your loyalty and your variety validates the medium that may be beyond your own expectations, but within or without any orbit that you're used to? But Painting is about visual multi-tasking to explore in a cramped and delimited space (just like the 'tin-can' of our space ships that separate astronauts from 'lifeless space') that is surrounded by a flimsy piece of wood (frame), that are artificial shackles that may appear to 'lock-down' and imprison the Paint but can never contain the Painting as a 'complete sum of all the paint marks'! The paint may seem still, but the Painting is exploding into the millions of neurons of the human brain! This is what Paintings are meant to do! Art, but especially Painters have a raison d'etre to 'break-out' and prison bust'! All those frames are tailor made, bespoke for Painters to reach-out and reach-in ignoring any such 'detritus'. Just as a Painter cannot aesthetically breathe outside their skill-set and chosen confined discipline, so we are reminded of this temporary mortal coil in which we have to develop our skills in.; we are never going to win that race, and neither were we meant to, but perhaps what we individually aggregate together might show a wider realisation that our image potential as a species is eternal if not infinite? We should therefore not be satisfied with derivative colourism and hyper-realist exactitude, or for the faux arbiter of the straight line or old school invisibility-point, when we can risk the curve, the random etc We won't fall-off the edge of the world but discover a new world with or without you! We maybe all of the combo that offers alchemy, catharsis and being a catalyst for each other. We represent the old world, the new world and who knows.... future worlds too?! Why not?!

No one can get the full picture at once or in a lifetime, where we have to orbit our own space, self-correct and recognise the 'big picture' of our own countdown to our expiry date, that's all too short by that pain in the arse mortality!! Longevity will only delay the inevitable, which is still 'we were only just getting started'! But using literature as a metaphor, we have an expanding universe and not a contacting one where fiction, factual, documentary, drama, detective, rom-com, satire, historical, the comic (I could go on, but I think I've made my point!) are just getting into their stride! Painting doesn't exhaust or drown like TATT may state, it often takes a breath to find that it has evolved rather than diminished, and that it has grown gills to breathe above and beneath the surface! Indeed, we need to fight the chief threat to our fragile existence today, to fight climate change with or without AI, and then to not be replaced by it! Wars advance tech„ but Paint doesn't need tech, it’s our survivor, our sustainable Art by a path to grow and feed ourselves by the blue- print of Painting, to plant seeds for the next generation to harvest and recycle but not just replicate! Our mutation changes with each generation, not an exact science, but if you're so keen to depend on the past TATT, why don't you just let go of it? Embrace it, face it, and Paint it!!


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