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High profile admission of culpability hides slow rolling action

Social media is the new form of freedom to be delinquent or to be restorative. Likewise, Putin also weaponizes appearances of sham democratic public demonstrations of liberty, to protest throughout all the political spectrum in order to select and arrest those leaders in the full light of day, without any inhibitions! This is the great advert of Putin's Russia that uses political theatre, political arrests, heavy-handed police behaviour in the open! High profile democracy on the streets plays into the 20th century Soviet legacy of (social media) legalised restrictions spun into opening the reiterations of supporters and the cultivated fears of terror and revolt of its detractors! No one denies the right to protest in Russia, only the right to offer an alternative. Indeed, the engine of the power of dictatorial calculus taps-into the Soviet past but also occupies the background and foreground of the social interactive reality CCTV, enshrined online! Is this where we have learnt from the troubles in Putin's Russia? Surely, we do not do Soviet-like whispers that are distorted by more whispers that are manipulated into half-truths and misquotes and campaigns to destroy a celebrity or a politician etc??? No! We do not do Pravda! We have transcended that 20th century old tech! we have upgraded and we do selective comment with or without social media populism!

However, we are witnessing a new Trump Presidency that is keen to stop 'government waste' and welfare values, but the kings of Silicon Valley and Wall Street (that are the 2 anchors of USA economic power) may feel that far from limiting freedom they are deregulating it! Yet, Tariffs on Immigration and Tariffs on over-taxation may restore an argument that Trump is subsidizing these two towers of American domination by protectionism whilst advocating 'American first' nationalism!? But we are living in post orthodox ideological times, which stretches its influence from the AFD in Germany to Meloni in Italy, to Orban in Hungary, that are all well placed in the very EU that Trump wants to raise tariffs on!?? Perhaps the esprit de cours of a lurch to the continental past is historically miles away from the right-wing agenda of Trump in the USA? But he does command his new brand of proletarian charismatic radical conservatism, that actually has more in common with Brxiteers here in the UK!?!

How? Brexiteers wanted control over their borders too, but they believed in closing our borders to launch an evangelical reaction via the reality CCTV, in which immigrants aren't just on fragile boats used by criminals to attempt the crossing of the English channel, that offends, but who want to erase the opportunity to have an influx of better trained, more qualified professionals who will transform their own lives, pay their taxes and acquire social mobility and financial resource beyond the indigenous British!??!! It is not the brain drain that many who wanted to close Britain down to legislate beyond the moderation (purely by numbers of nations in the EU) of the EU, but want to be ultra vires in terms of International Law and not just from Westminster, Brexit wasn't just to not abide by EU law, but to make up its own laws that would especially defy international signatory to the Court of Human Rights too! ...and to which platform of such resentment, fury and delight did the UK (controlled largely by the English Southeast) turn to? - Social Media!!!!!?!!

Spin and hearsay have found a home in social media, and just as the Father of History (Heroditus) was able to do, he set a precedent by introducing 'Fake news'!! And is Britain still locked down in Brexit and engaged in social media as a global leader of such a phenomenon during and after Covid 19??Many still use accusation and hearsay, vile gossip and rumour mongering as a means of socialising but with peddling a poisoned falsehood often to those who can't defend themselves!! Who gets -off on it and who seeks to use cyber child soldiers by conditioning and grooming, by exploiting these children encouraging them to spend 5/6 hours a day on it in order to make money or enjoy influence at the expense of innocent children and teenagers??! Welcome to post Covid anger, frustration and widespread pain and loss Britain! No wonder Brexit is often confused with social lockdown at the expense of addiction to social media!! No doubt migration of social media will reequip those who seek thrills beyond the unrestricted, unfiltered first half of the 3rd decade of the 21st century; and once you get an adrenalin kick, you'll need to get your fix on a permanent nature!! But all the spin in the world cannot justify unregulated parts of the internet etc that has led to tragedy and terrible loss!

Indeed, has our addiction to social media interfered with our democracy, and the cost-of-living crisis more than it has distracted us from climate change? Absolutely!! No wonder that so many qualified NHS health workers seek emigration free at the point of delivery, and we're preoccupied with just immigration solely??!! Moreover, no wonder Russian and Chinese hackers believe that the UK is the destination for hacking away and exploiting our digital systems because of our refusal to put down legislation to curb social media and internet excesses!!!

This sounds like an advert to users: you are going to have to quit sometime! Just drop the tablet, P.C, mobile phone, TV etc and see how long it takes you to need to access it by compulsion!? That's a dependency and a habit we all need to be free from! Meanwhile Silicon Valley is claiming to be 'Anarcho-Capitalists '!!!!??? what they really are is about securing their own billionaire paradise of small state, no taxes and no responsibility - you are not anarcho- capitalists you're Oligarchal no frontier and no borders no state to acquire more, of more from more, from less of less, from those you use to acquire your fortune.


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